Orders are typically processed and dispatched within 1 to 3 business days after payment confirmation. Please note that during national holidays, weekends, or for pre-sale items, processing times may be longer.
Most Solink orders are shipped from our warehouse in Shenzhen, China. Delivery times vary based on the shipping method and destination country. Below are the estimated delivery times for different regions:
Estimated Delivery Times (via 4PX Carrier):
- USA/Canada:7-9 business days
- France/Germany/UK/Italy/Poland/Austria:7-9 business days
- Other European countries:15-20 business days (Note: An additional $13 per kilogram shipping fee may apply)
- Asia:7-9 business days
- Australia/New Zealand:10-15 business days
If your package is delayed by 20 days or more, please contact us for assistance via email at info@solinkmotor.com or through Facebook